I owe you my holiday book review.
Usually I take 2 chick lits and one more serious title. This
year I decided to be girly all the way and I’ve learned my lesson.First one “Cocktails for thee” by Madeline Wickham it’s not
even worth mentioning. I am really sorry but the book is dull and too
predictable.It’s like this move you have already seen hundred times on
tv but was never eager to watch it entirely.
Second book was far more interesting “The good girls guide
to bad men” by Jessica Brody. Already title is more intriguing. It starts very good. L.A,
great girl, fidelity inspection agency… Beginning is funny , novelty is in the
air, interesting intrigues are happening.But then somehow, as the plot goes further to main character
personal life…well...you already know the ending and you just stop reading.
You see, lesson learned. Next holidays I am bringing good old Scarlett O’Hara.