
Going back to high school

Just finished reading " The Carrie Diaries" by C.Bushnell. I bought this book at the airport and figured out it would be a  perferct read for a boring flight and good disctraction from the reality. It turned out to be just that, plus I really enjoyed going back to Carrie Bradshaw world. Even if this time she took me to her high school and made me go back to my memories of this period of my life.

First thought - I wish I was as self aware and smart back in high school as Carrie was. Honestly reading this book made me realize how lost I was and that I really didn't know myself back then. Also, I was constantly worried about everything. Grades, boys, skin..I forgot to worry about myslef and figure out what I really wanted. I am glad I caught up with myself finally. Second though - polish high school is really not that different than the one in Castlebury. Characters, plots and situations are all the same. Maybe this is why I related so much to this book?

If you want a good and funny read I encourage you to grab this one. Or you could just wait till it hits the theatres. Yes, that i's right - they are making a movie! SATC Prequel.

 Rumors has it that Blake Lively will play Carrie. It makes sense, right? However I doubt she will be wearing the same school uniform..

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